Crater Editor top bar

The Crater Editor top bar contains:

  • Dashboard - Click to be redirected to the My Publications page.

  • Publication - When clicking on it, a drop-down menu opens that lists the following actions you can do with the publication:

    • Go Live/Distribute - Click to publish your publication.

    • Edit Publication info - Click to edit the general information of your publication.

    • Change logo - Click to change the publication's logo.

    • Manage pages - Click to add, move, or delete the pages.

    • Change background - Click to change the background image that is visible in the viewer's mode.

    • Connect domain - Click to add a custom domain where the publication will be served.

    • CRM - Click to be redirected to the CRM page.

    • Analytics - Click to be redirected to the Analytics page.

  • Help center - Click to be redirected to Jommag Help Center's page, where you can search for the information you need.

  • Save - Click to save recent changes.

  • Preview - Click to preview how the edited publication will look in the live mode.

Note: If the publication is already live, instead of Go Live buttons, Distribute button is shown.