The Properties toolbar

Use the Properties toolbar to edit the elements in your publication.

Below are the icons of the Properties toolbar and their description:

Undo Reverses the last action
Redo Reverses previously undone action
Duplicate Duplicates the selected element
Delete Deletes the selected element
Zoom-Out Reduces the view to the previous preset percentage
Zoom-In Magnifies the view to the next preset percentage, centering the display around the selected element
Align left edges Aligns the element along the left edge of the page
Align horizontal centers Distributes the element equally between the left and right edges of the page
Align right edges Aligns the element along the right edge of the page
Align top edges Aligns the element along the top edge of the page
Align vertical centers Distributes the element equally between the top and bottom edges of the page
Align bottom edges Aligns the element along the bottom edge of the page
Bring forward Moves the element in front of the next element in the stacking order
Send backward Moves the element behind the next element in the stacking order
Bring to front Moves the element in front of all the other elements
Send to back Moves the element behind all the other elements
Position Positions the element by changing the X parameter
Position Positions the element by changing the Y parameter
Size Changes the width of the element
Size Changes the height of the element
Rotation angle Rotates the element by changing the rotation angle
Fill Panel Fills the element with a color you select in the color picker
Stroke Panel Fills the stroke with a color you select in the color picker
Stroke size Changes the stroke size of the element
Opacity  Sets the opacity of the element
Hotspot Links a hotspot to an element

Save as Template Block Saves the element as a template block