Sell single publications through Joomag using Stripe

Now you can effortlessly sell your single publications on Joomag using Stripe! Monetize your content with ease and reach a global audience while enjoying secure and seamless payment processing.

This guide is designed to assist you in connecting your Joomag account with Stripe, enabling you to sell individual publications on Joomag while utilizing Stripe as your chosen payment gateway.

Here's the outline for the process of creating single publication products on Stripe that align with your Joomag publications.

Step 1: Enable Test mode for your Stripe Developer portal
Step 2: Create a Single publication product
Step 3: Add the Webhook Endpoint URL provided by Joomag
Step 4: Generate Stripe API key
Step 5: Get the checkout URL according to the product
Step 6: Explore the distribution ways
Step 7: Push the product to Live environment

Let’s follow the outline and complete the process step-by-step.

Step 1: Enable Test mode for your Stripe Developer portal

It’s preferable to enable Test mode in your Developer portal on Stripe to create products and set prices. Test mode can be used to simulate transactions to make sure that your integration works correctly. This feature helps to identify any bugs or errors in your Stripe implementation before you go live with actual payments.

Step 2: Create a single publication product

     a. Navigate to the Products section of your Dashboard and click the “Add product” button to create a new product.

    b. You will now be prompted to provide details about your product. These typically include:

Name: Enter a name for the product, e.g. “Single publication”
Description: Add a brief description of the product to help users understand what it is.

    c. Scroll down to the “Price information” section. In the “Pricing details” section specify the following fields:

Unit Amount: Enter the price of your product
Recurring: Select the “One time” option for Single publication purchases.

   d. Locate and click the “Additional options” dropdown to configure the required metadata. The following two key-value pairs should be added.

Key: handler
Value: Joomag

Key: publication
Value: publication UID

*Check this article to locate and get the publication UID.

   e. Save the product. 

Step 3: Add the Webhook Endpoint URL provided by Joomag

a. Open "Developers" > "Webhooks" section and click the "Add endpoint" button to create a new webhook endpoint.

   b.  Enter the endpoint URL provided by Joomag. This is where Stripe will send webhook notifications. It typically looks like:

  c. Add the following events to be notified about via Webhook and Save the endpoint.

  d. After the endpoint is created, click on it to locate the Webhook signing secret key.

          1. Inside the newly created endpoint click “Reveal” and copy the secret key

          2. Log into your Joomag account, open Settings>Integrations>Stripe API section.
          3. Paste the copied key into the Webhook signing secret key field.

Step 4: Generate Stripe API key

a. Go to the API keys  section and locate the Restricted keys part. Click “Created restricted key”.

   b. Give a name to the newly created API and add the following permissions:

Checkout Sessions

     c. Scroll down the page and click Save.

     d. Locate the newly created API in the Restricted keys section and click Reveal key to show and copy the necessary information.

    e. Add the key to the Integrations>Stripe API section of your Joomag account.

Step 5: Get the checkout URL according to the product

Create a Payment link to share with your audience or post on your distribution channels. For this, click the Single publication product you already have available in the Products page and locate the Pricing section of the description.

     a.  Click the “Create payment link” button


   b. Make sure that everything looks correctly on preview and click “Create link”

 Step 6: Explore the distribution ways

Joomag team will help you clarify your distribution ways and understand how the products will be shared with your audience after the purchase is made. With the respective Privacy option set up for the publication inside your Joomag account we’ll make sure that the customers get secure access to the purchased content.

 Step 7: Push the product to Live environment

Once you test the integration and make sure that everything is functioning correctly, you can copy the product to Live to officially launch them to the public.
For this you can click on the product on the products page to open the description page and click “Copy to live”.

We’re all set! Now anytime someone makes a purchase through the generated Stripe URL, they will receive access to the respective single publication published on Joomag.