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Insert Social Follow content blocks to your email templates
The content block Social Follow is a great tool to easily share your social accounts with your subscribers. You'll simply link your profile to an appropriate clickable icon, which readers can later check out.
To implement the Social Follow you'll need to:
1. Find Social Follow among other content blocks.

2. Drag and Drop the Social Follow wherever you wish.

3. The Settings Panel will open automatically. Select the Social Networks you wish to add and insert your account link below.

4. To add another Social Network click Add New Social Button, and link it to your account.

5. Make sure to Save & Close once you're done.

Edit, Clone, Remove
Any content block inserted from the Email Editor toolbar has three icons:
1. Click the Edit button whenever you want to change something in the selected content block settings.

2. Click the Clone button when you want to make a copy of a content block you have created.

3. Click the Remove button when you want to delete the content block you no longer need.