Checking the Advertising Analytics

If you have already added tags to the adverts in your publication and now need to see how they're performing follow these steps:

  1. Open the Analytics section of your account and choose the Advertising Analytics module:

  2. Make sure to select the desired date range, choose the reader's email address as well as publications/collections, and apply filters and create segments, if needed:

  3. Pick the advertising tags:

  4. Browse the needed category in Advertising Analytics to assess needed data:

    1. Overview: general information on reader count, page views, clicks on hotspots, and the number of video and audio plays, along with the total playback duration.

    2. Hotspot performance: list of the hotspots that have been clicked, the number of readers, and total clicks performed.

    3. Geolocation: map overlay along with the countries, cities, and continents list.

    4. Video and audio performance: number and duration of plays of the native audio and video files uploaded to your publication.

    5. Page performance: see page-specific advertising analytics for chosen collections/publications. Additionally, add a secondary dimension to see advanced analytics for each page:

Of course, you can easily export advertising analytics too. The best part? With the advertising analytics export feature, you don't need to download each section separately. Everything you need is in one file, making it simple to share the report directly with the advertiser.