Add a confirmation link placeholder to an email template

Learn how to enable the double opt-in option for custom forms here.

Anyone who submitted the form will be emailed to confirm their email address. They must click the link in the confirmation email before appearing in your CRM. You should select a template that contains the placeholder %recipient.confirm_link% for the confirmation link. Otherwise, the double opt-in functionality will not work.

Here's how you can do that:

  1. Go to Email Marketing section and access the Email Templates
  2. Choose a standard campaign template and click to edit
  3. Select the text where you want to insert the confirmation link and click the Link tool

  4. In the opened window, insert %recipient.confirm_link% placeholder in the URL field and click Save

To include the confirmation link for a button, simply drag and drop the button block onto the template and insert the placeholder link.


Done! Once you have saved your changes, you can now select this template to serve as the double opt-in confirmation email for your custom forms.