Use alignment tools

You can align the elements relative either to the page or to other elements.

1. Select the element you wish to align.

2. From the Properties toolbar choose one of the following alignment options:

Align left edges To align the element along the left edge of the page
Align horizontal centers To distribute the element equally between the left and right edges of the page
Align right edges To align the element along the right edge of the page
Align top edges To align the element along the top edge of the page
Align vertical centers To distribute the element equally between the top and bottom edges of the page
Align bottom edges To align the element along the bottom edge of the page


Organize multiple elements

If you have several elements and want to align them relative to each other use the alignment tools from the Properties toolbar on the right side of the editor. Learn about the alignment options below.

  1. Select two or more elements
  2. From the Properties toolbar, choose one of the above-mentioned alignment options
  3. Save the page, and you are done!