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Publication Viewer Icons

In the publication viewer, you may come across different icons. You can enable and disable them following these steps:

  1. Click Actions menu

  2. Open the Viewer Settings

  3. You can show or hide all the icons by checking the boxes in the Main Settings

Below are the icons of the Publication Viewer with their description.

Contents - Opens the Pages overview and Table of Contents panels to pick the page you want.

Text-Only - Shows only the texts of the pages, without any associated graphics or media files.

Search - Shows all the pages that contain the searched text.

Fullscreen - Opens the Publication Viewer in the full-screen mode.

Share - Allows to share the publication on social networks or copy the URL.

Download PDF - Downloads the PDF file of the publication.

Publications Panel - Shows all the publications of the collection.

Print Page(s) - Prints publication pages.

QR code - Shows the QR code for accessing the mobile version.


