Mark a publication containing adult content

If your publication contains adult content, you're required to mark it as "adult" so that it is not visible for viewers under 18.

We don't allow publications containing or promoting sexual content, such as pornography, or any content or services intended to be sexually gratifying. Therefore, please don't publish publications containing sexual content to the Joomag Newsstand, as it will be rejected without notice.

If you continuously create and distribute adult content, you can indicate it in the collection settings. However, if a publication with adult content is rare - use the publication settings instead.

Here's how to indicate that a publication contains adult content:

1. Click the Edit Settings button in the needed publication.

2. In the INFO tab, select the This publication contains adult content checkbox.

3. Click Save and Close.

There you are! Now, your publication will be available to readers who confirm they are over 18 years old.

Joomag blog: Do not forget to follow Joomag's content guidelines before publishing your publication.

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