Create a Google Play Developer Account

Create a Google Play Developer Account Alla Poghosyan

Joomag offers a special service of creating a customized branded mobile application where only your publications will be displayed.
In order to share a mobile app on Google Play, you'll need to set up a Developers account beforehand. Here's a step by step guide to help you do that:

1. Sign in to your Google Account.

2. Enter Check the box to accept the developer agreement and click the CONTINUE TO PAYMENT button.

3. Fill in the required information: card number, cardholder's name, and the billing address.

Important: It is mandatory to mention your physical address.

4. Once you have entered the billing information, proceed and fill in the Developer Profile. Enter Developer Name, e-mail address, a website, and a phone number. Make sure to write down the country code when entering the phone number.

5. Check the boxes below if you'd like to receive notifications and click the COMPLETE REGISTRATION button.

6. There you are! Now you can go to and publish your apps!

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