Contact Properties

Contact Properties Alla Poghosyan

Joomag made it incredibly easy to collect information from your readers. You can use fully customizable forms in your publications to build up a base of leads that can later become your active subscribers.

Note: This feature is available with our Scale and Enterprise plans.

When creating a form, you have a chance to create your own fields in addition to the predefined ones. You can edit and delete them from the Contact Properties page. Here's how to do that:

1. Click the CRM button on the left sidebar.

2. Click the Settings button in the upper-right corner.

3. Here, you can see both the predefined and newly created or imported contact properties. A new contact property is created when you import a list of contacts to your CRM or create a new custom field in Form Builder.

Note: The predefined properties are written in lighter color. You cannot modify them.

4. Hold the pointer over a custom created or imported field to Edit, or Delete it.

  • Click the Edit link to rename the contact property, change the Label name and click Save. The edited label won't affect already existing forms.

  • Click the Delete link if you want to remove the contact property. Read the note and confirm the action if needed.

Warning: You can't delete a property if it's being used in a form. You first need to remove it from the Form Builder and then delete it from contact properties.

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