Analytics | Reader Behavior - Engagement

With Joomag's new analytics you receive detailed statistics on your Audience, Content, Reader Behavior, and Acquisition. The Reader Behavior contains several sections: Engagement, Video and Audio Performance, Link Performance, Reading progress, Retention. In this article, you'll see what information the Engagement contains.

Note: This feature is available with our new Scale and Enterprise plans.

To see it do the following:

1. Navigate to Analytics on the left sidebar.

2. Use the dropdown menu on the right to select the Behavior section. The Engagement section is displayed by default.

3. Proceed to the main filters.

  • First, insert the collection name for which you wish to see the engagement.

  • Now, specify the date range to filter the data. You'll see the last seven days' range by default, simply click the date and choose whatever day you need.

Note: If you want to check the analytics for a specific reader from your CRM you can also enter his email address in the Reader field.

4. Analyze the numbers of readers, page views, pages/readers, sessions, avg. time spent per reader per publication, avg. sessions per reader, downloads, links clicks, social shares, video plays, total video play time, audio plays, total audio playtime.

  • Readers: Total number of readers who have at least one session during the selected date range.

  • Pageviews: Total number of publication pages viewed during the selected date range. Repeated views of a single page are counted.

  • Pages / Reader: The average number of viewed pages by a reader. Repeated views of a single page are counted.

  • Sessions: Total number of Sessions within the selected date range. A session is the period time a reader is actively engaged with your publications.

  • Avg. Time Spent per Reader: The average length of viewing publications per reader. It shows in the following format hh:mm:ss

  • Avg. Sessions per Reader: The average number of sessions initiated per reader during the selected date range.

  • Downloads: The number of downloads of publications. Repeated downloads of a single publication are counted.

  • Links Clicks: The number of link clicks within publications. Repeated clicks of a single link are counted. This is about external links.

  • Social Shares: The number of shares of publications in social networks. Repeated shares of a single publication are counted.

  • Video Plays: The number of video plays within publications. Repeated plays of a single video are counted. It counts all video types Youtube, Vimeo, and your video files.

  • Total Video Play Time: Total length of video play time. Repeated view times of a single video are counted.

  • Audio Plays: The number of audio plays within publications. Repeated plays of a single audio track are counted. It counts Soundcloud and your audio files.

  • Total Audio Play Time: Total length of audio played time. Repeated view times of a single audio track are counted.

Now you understand all the information in the Behavior Engagement! Proceed to the other sections to get the maximum of your analytics.

Learn more about our new analytics.