Have you already created a collection? If yes, it's high time to set up a subscription and share it with your readers.
Important: To let your readers subscribe to your publication and receive upcoming publications, you need to make them Live first.
You can set a paid full-access subscription for your publications in the following way:
Make sure you are logged in to your Joomag account.
1. On the My Publications page open the collection you wish and select Subscription from the Actions drop-down menu.

2. Proceed to the Paid full-access subscription tab and mention how often you will make your publications Live.

3. Set the price for the collection

4. Along with selling subscription packages you can also sell standalone publications. To activate that option, click the Single publication selling toggle.

Important: The price will be applied to the newly created publications, but you can apply it to all the existing publications of the collection by clicking Apply to all.
Note: Readers will be able to purchase a subscription and get full access to all publications of the specific collection. If a reader has an active subscription, they can read all publications; the access will be lost once the subscription is expired.
Note: The price will be automatically displayed in the currency of the country the reader is visiting from. For all the countries that are not included in the Tier list, the price will be displayed in USD. For more info, select the See All Tiers link.
5. Set the subscription packages and a price for each.
Click the + Add new package link to add a package and from the Package tier list select the price you want for the package.
Click the bin icon to delete the package.

6. Last but not least, you need to set the preview pages. Specify the number of pages that can be viewed before buying the entire version.
Note: The cover page is always included in the preview.

7. Once you're done click Save and Close. That's it. Your subscription is up and running.

Important: The sales revenue will be converted to USD/Euro/RUB and transferred to the balance of your Joomag account on the last day of each month. Payments made in Euros/Rubles will be converted into Dollars at the exchange rate of the day of payment.
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